Have a Wonderful Break (and Don't Forget to Read!) #resvt #cesuvt #resreads

To all RES students and families: here are some ways to keep your winteriffic reading going during holiday break: Read or listen to the books on the TumbleBooks website ! Great books and readalouds you can enjoy on your computer or tablet. Visit the Richmond Free Library! The Richmond Free Library Visit the Richmond Free Library! The RFL is located at 201 Bridge Street in Richmond Village, right across from the post office. You can get a free library card there and check out books galore. The RFL's holiday hours and other information are available on the RFL website . Let me know what you have been reading this holiday break by filling out the form below! I will share this list of books with our entire RES community of readers when we return in January. To see what other RES readers are enjoying so far, click this link . Loading... Have a wonderful break! - Beth Redford, RES Teacher Librarian