January at the RES Library, by the numbers #RESreads #resvt #cesuvt #vsla

Second graders sharing nonfiction about bats.
Nonfiction is popular with RES scholars, who checked out over 450 
nonfiction titles for their independent reading in January.

January at the RES library, by the numbers:
  • Number of library books and other materials checked out by RES scholars, families, and staff: 1684 -- that's 89 per day. 
  • Number of scholar visits to the library: over 1,000 (15 classes per week plus individual visits) 
  • Number of checkouts for our most popular book: 11 for Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Melanie Watt
  • Number of new reading mentors from CHMS who have begun reading with kindergartners during their library classes: 4. We can't thank CHMS Assistant Principal Lashawn Whitmore-Sells and the middle schoolers enough for sharing their time and enthusiasm for books with our young scholars!


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