
Showing posts from 2024

VT Book Awards by our numbers #redclover #goldendome #gdba #read #mmuusdvt

 RES students have voted for their favorite Red Clover and Golden Dome books.  Although the state winner has yet to be announced, I can tell you which books won in our school.  I've also broken the votes down by grade level.  I always find it interesting to see what book each grade gravitates towards.   The RES Red Clover winner is Bobcat Prowling! Here are the vote totals for the whole school: Kindergarten totals: 1st grade totals: 2nd grade totals: and 3rd grade totals: For the Golden Dome Award, students chose a wide variety of books as their favorite.  Here are the favorites of this year's 4th graders: I'll announce the state winners when I get that information! Stay tuned!