Experts and Interests

The RES library was hopping this week with scholars finding books for research projects and reading! Third graders found books to help them with their nonfiction "I'm an Expert" projects in their classrooms. It was a great chance to practice using the library catalog and call numbers.

Quarter Horse Expert

Dalmatian Expert

Fourth graders found nonfiction books on topics they were interested in so they could create "Interest Posters" for their Enrichment Library classes. This project emphasized quoting and paraphrasing information and citing sources. The scholars were so interested in their topics they wanted to check their research books out and take them home!

Interested in robots

Interested in soccer, space and Egypt

A finished Interest Poster with four facts, an image, and citations.

The kindergartners explored the comics section. One student found a comic book about volcanoes -- lots of great true information about volcanoes, and a scientist superhero named Max Axiom.

And the second graders checked out tons of books about history, animals, origami, helicopters...happy reading everyone!


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