Spotlight on: Grade 4 Enrichment Library Classes #resvt #cesuvt

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Learning to quote, paraphrase, and cite information
on Crazy Hair Day

Fourth graders at RES visit the library once a week for a combined enrichment and library class. More information about the class is available at our class blog, ThinkCreateCollaborate. Mrs. Rankin, our enrichment teacher, and Mrs. Redford co-teach this class in which students learn to use information and technology resources. Throughout the year, the scholars complete several research projects based on topics they choose themselves. They also learn different creative uses of technology, such as building wordclouds like those shown in the photo below.

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wordclouds based on students' research interests

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Internet use - green, yellow, and red sites

Fourth graders also use their enrichment library time to select and enjoy books and audiobooks.

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reading mysteries

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listening to a DCF audiobook


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