December at the RES Library, by the numbers #RESreads #resvt #cesuvt #vsla

 Fourth graders teaching each other Scratch computer programming 
during Hour of Code

December 2014 at the RES library, by the numbers:
  • Number of library books and other materials checked out by RES scholars, families, and staff: 1184 -- that's 85 per day. 
  • Number of scholar visits to the library: over 700 (15 classes per week plus individual visits) 
  • Number of checkouts for our most popular book: 8 for Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping by Melanie Watt 
  •  Number of audio and video book commercials created by fourth graders in enrichment library classes: 21 (you can see them all here)
  • Number of fourth graders who wrote computer programs during Hour of Code activities in enrichment library classes: 48 (try out their interactive Scratch games here)


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