
Showing posts from April, 2015

The Vermont DCF Award-winning book is... #resvt #vted

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein! Yes, the top DCF Book choice of RES students also got the most votes all across Vermont. Click here for a list of the DCF Book Award winners since the program began in 1957. image from

Dorothy Canfield Fisher (DCF) Book Award Voting Results at #RESvt #resreads #vted #cesuvt #vsla

This week RES fourth grade scholars completed their participation in the annual Dorothy Canfield Fisher (DCF) Award reading program. Every year, Vermont scholars in grades four through eight who participate in this program read titles from a list of new books. Each scholar who reads or listens to at least five titles on the list can vote on his or her favorite book. At RES, fourth graders who read at least five books on the current DCF list  also receive invitations to a lunchtime pizza party in the RES library. When RES fourth graders voted for their favorite DCF book, the winner was: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Libary by Chris Grabenstein We would like to recognize the following fourth graders who read or listened to at least five DCF books this year: Hannah Agran Eric Bissell Grace Clark Madeleine Clark Audrie Coffin William DeBay Tess Drury Kaitlin Ford Cara Gagliardi Sophia Garavan Lily Gouse Kennedy Jensen Shaina Keough Lily Korczykowski Kelsey...

February and March at the RES Library, by the numbers #RESreads #resvt #cesuvt

February at the RES library, by the numbers: Number of library books and other materials checked out by RES scholars, families, and staff: 1,388 -- that's 93 per day.  Number of scholar visits to the library: over 700 during our three weeks of school in February (15 classes per week plus individual visits)   March at the RES library, by the numbers: Number of library books and other materials checked out by RES scholars, families, and staff: 1,795 -- that's 90 per day.  Number of scholar visits to the library: over 1,000 Number of RES first and second graders who read, listened to, evaluated, and voted on Red Clover books: 100  Number of fourth graders working on independent Capstone research projects: 50 . We can't wait to see the results!