May at the RES Library, by the numbers #resvt #RESreads #mmmusd #vsla

sharing a fourth grade Capstone  presentation
with friends and family on May 13

May at the RES library, by the numbers:
  • Number of library books and other materials checked out by RES scholars, families, and staff: 1,847 -- that's 92 per day in our 20 days of school this month
  • Number of scholar visits to the library: over 1,000
  • Number of checkouts for our most popular book: 14 for Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping
  • Number of fourth grade Capstone presentations shared at our annual fourth grade Celebration of Learning on May 13: 47. Please visit the ThinkCreateCollaborate blog for more information about the fourth graders and their amazing work this spring!


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