Featured Book Reviews: A Celebration of Reading! #resvt #vted #tlchat #vsla

We are so happy to announce that 14 different video reviews of children's books have been featured on the RES Library blog so far this year! These reviews are a celebration of reading and great books. RES is a school of readers, and we are so proud to share our reading and our opinions with the world.
The first reviews were created by our principal, Michael Berry. Here's an example, his review of The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas.

RES scholars were so motivated they decided to create their own reviews! Here's one of several from fourth graders in Katie LeFrancois' class, a review of the Newbery Award winning book The Crossover by Sarah Prineas:

We've even put together a YouTube playlist of all these great reviews. Looking for something new to read? Check on the right hand side of the library blog for the latest reviews and a link to the playlist. We can't wait to see how RES video book reviewing continues to unfold as the school year goes on!


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