Dorothy Canfield Fisher (DCF) Book Award Voting Results at #RESvt! #resreads #vted #vsla

On April 15, RES fourth grade scholars completed their participation in the annual Dorothy Canfield Fisher (DCF) Award reading program. Every year, Vermont scholars in grades four through eight who participate in this program read titles from a list of new books. Each scholar who reads or listens to at least five titles on the list can vote on his or her favorite book. At RES, fourth graders who read at least five books on the current DCF list  also receive invitations to a lunchtime pizza party in the RES library.

When RES fourth graders voted for their favorite DCF book, the winner was:

Under the Egg
by Laura Marx Fitzgerald

Other top choices were Ice Dogs by Terry Lynn Johnson and The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm.

We are very proud of all of our fourth grade scholars who took part in the 2014-2015 DCF Book Award reading program! Between them they read and listened to many thousands of pages of fiction and nonfiction, improved their reading skills, and persevered in reading some very challenging stories. We hope they will all continue with the DCF program next year as fifth graders at Camels Hump Middle School!

More information about the DCF Book Award is available at the DCF website.


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