May 2016 at the RES Library, By the Numbers #resvt #vsla #resreads #vted
Proud first grade authors of the newest books
in the library's Early Reader collection
May 2016 at the RES library, by the numbers:
- Number of library books and other materials checked out by RES scholars, families, and staff: 1390-- that's 66 per day in our four weeks of school this month
- Number of times scholars used the PebbleGo nonfiction databases about animals, biographies,and more: 383
- Number of TumbleBooks electronic books read and listened to: 512
- Number of scholar visits to the library: over 800 (13 classes per week plus additional class visits plus individual visits)
- Number of scholars served by the librarian during lessons and visits in classrooms: over 350
- Number of fourth graders who completed Capstone independent research projects in their enrichment library classes: 46
- Number of first graders who wrote books for the library's Early Reader collection: 5! Thank you Mrs. Lister's scholars!
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