Second Grade Book Centers, Day One #resvt #cesuvt #vted
RES second graders began presenting their book recommendation centers today. Each scholar has chosen a topic for his or her center: books by a favorite author, books on a favorite topic, or books in a favorite format such as comic books. Today five presenters per class shared their books with their classmates and explained what the books were about and why they like to read them. The "audience members" visited each book center in turn, and many of these scholars decided to check out the books the presenters had recommended. We even had some teachers and parents stop by to visit...thank you for coming to our book centers! The library was humming with excited talk about plots, settings, characters, animals, fairies, military history, Percy Jackson, comic books, gemstones, and much more. Every second grader will be presenting a book center in the next few weeks. We hope you enjoy the video from our first day!
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