Self checkout station at the RES library #resvt #vsla 

The RES library has a new self checkout station! Third and fourth graders have new library cards that they keep in their classrooms. They have learned to use the station and check out their own books.  Now they can come to the library any time and check out new books, even if I am out of the library or busy teaching a class. This means the library is accessible for the whole school day, every day, whenever our fantastic RES readers need new books. Second graders will be learning to use the self checkout station later this year as well.

Did you know that family members can get accounts at the RES library? This is a great thing to do especially if your child is a new reader who may go through several "skinny books" in a week. Parents can get library cards and check out books at the self checkout station as well. Stop by the library and I will make you your own library card! - Beth Redford, RES Library Media Specialist


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