Spotlight on: Research and Digital Citizenship in Fourth Grade Enrichment Library Classes #resvt #vsla #vted

For the past several weeks, fourth graders have been learning and practicing research and digital citizenship skills in their enrichment library classes. The scholars are working through a series of three interest-based projects for which they get to choose the topics themselves (see the examples below):

Quote Posters,

Google Documents with freely reusable images and citations,

and Mini Research Projects

In the process of creating these projects, the scholars are learning and practicing these important skills:
  • how to find information in a book
  • how to find images online that are free to reuse in school projects
  • how to create citations for books and online images
  • how to use Google Documents and the online tool
They are also learning more about topics they are interested in, from East Indian dance to Humvees to legendary monsters and much more! We are very proud of the fourth graders' hard work and perseverance on these projects.

- Darcie Rankin, RES enrichment teacher and Beth Redford, RES library media specialist


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