Fourth Grade Capstone Research Projects @resvt #vsla #vted #tlchat #tlelem #geniushour

Fourth grade scholars at RES have been participating in a once a week class, co-taught by teacher-librarian Beth Redford and enrichment teacher Darcie Rankin. The class focuses on digital literacy, critical thinking, research skills, and interest driven projects. Scholars’ culminating activities were independent, interest driven research projects. Each scholar selected a topic and designed a Capstone Project to share his or her interests and knowledge.

Fourth graders teaching parents and peers about rabbits, video game design, 
ballet, computer hardware and more at our Capstone Celebration

Fourth graders gathered on Wednesday, June 14 to share their Capstone Projects and celebrate their learning at our Capstone Celebration

Digital versions of many of the projects are available at the links below:
Mrs. Berliner's Class Capstone Presentations
Mrs. LeFrancois' Class Capstone Presentations
Ms. Senning's Class Capstone Presentations


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