Whoosh! is the Red Clover Winner at RES! #resvt #vted #redcloveraward @bartography @Devas_T


First and second grade students at Richmond Elementary School in Richmond, Vermont have selected Whoosh! Lonnie Johnson's Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions as our schoolwide Red Clover (Children's Choice Award) book for 2017-2018! 

During their library classes, the students all read or listened to 10 of the best illustrated books from the 2016 publishing year. The selection included fiction and nonfiction, poetry, and a folktale. Then each student voted for his or her favorite. Whoosh! received twice as many votes as the second place choice, Frankencrayon by Michael Hall.

Whoosh! is the biography of engineer and inventor Lonnie Johnson, whose best known creation is the Super Soaker toy water gun. Johnson is an amazing role model for his curiosity and persistence, and students loved reading about his work for NASA and his model rockets. The book was created by author Chris Barton and  illustrator Don Tate. One student asked the librarian, "Where are the rest of these books?" He was asking where all the rest of the books about Lonnie Johnson were located in the library! We are hoping that Mr. Barton and Mr. Tate publish more books about Lonnie Johnson very soon.

More resources about Whoosh! and Lonnie Johnson:

Visit to Mr. Johnson’s Workshop video from CBS News
Illustrating Whoosh! from Don Tate’s blog
Research for Whoosh from Don Tate’s blog

More information about the Red Clover program and the rest of this year's reading list is available at the Red Clover Website

cover image from amazon.com


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