Spotlight on: Fourth Grade Capstone Projects #resvt #cesuvt #vted #geniushour

For the last four months, RES fourth graders have been planning, researching, and preparing presentations as part of their Capstone Projects for enrichment library class. The scholars have showed amazing creativity in how they choose to present the information they have learned. Here are just a few examples!

Some students created videos: 

 Writing a Tellegami video about dinosaur extinction

While others wrote movies or plays:

rehearsing a play about a pop singer

Created Google Presentations (don't miss the embedded greenscreen video):

 Or wrote and illustrated comic strips:

All the fourth grade scholars will be presenting their Capstone Projects at their Capstone Celebration, Wednesday, May 13 at 5:30 p.m. All projects will be posted on the ThinkCreateCollaborate blog next week!


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