Hour of Code 2015 at RES, by the Numbers #resvt #vted #vsla #HourOfCode

Hour of Code 2015 at RES

Here's a glimpse at Hour of Code computer science activities this week at RES, by the numbers!

Number of grade levels that participated: 5
Number of classrooms that participated: 14
Number of RES students who learned about computer science through the Hour of Code program: 227
Number of lines of code (computer programming language) written by RES scholars: over 10,000
Number of students who have asked if they can keep learning to code after this week: too many to keep track of!

Thank you to all the adults and especially all the scholars who made our first all school Hour of Code such a success!

Scholars can continue their computer science learning at school and at home! Links to our activities from this week and many more coding resources can be found at this link or by clicking the "Coding Computer Science" tab at the top of the library blog.


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