Historical fiction in third grade library classes #cesuvt #resvt

RES third graders have started a unit on historical fiction in their library classes. This week they were surprised by the story of A Big Cheese for the White House: the True Tale of a Tremendous Cheddar by Candace Fleming. Did the citizens of a small town in Massachusetts really make a 1,200 pound cheese and deliver it personally to Thomas Jefferson? We have been asking the questions, what parts of these books are history? What parts are fiction? And what are some strategies for finding out?

Other books in this unit will include Tricking the Tallyman by Jacqueline Davies,



Birdie's Lighthouse by Deborah Hopkinson,


and That Book Woman by Heather Henson, all fiction based on episodes in American history. 




image of A Big Cheese is from us.macmillan.com

image of Tricking the Tallyman is from randomhouse.com

image of Birdie's Lighthouse is from deborahhopkinson.com

image of That Book Woman is from simonandschuster.com


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