RES picks a Red Clover Winner #resvt #cesuvt

 RES second graders reading and voting

RES first, second, and third graders participated in this year's Red Clover Book Award program by reading or listening to at least five books on the 2012-2013 Red Clover list. As the scholars read or listened to the books, they were asking the questions:

Do I like or dislike this Red Clover book? Why? What specific details in the text and illustrations make me enjoy this book, or not? These questions came from Common Core ELA Anchor Standard 1: "Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific  textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text." The scholars did an excellent job identifying details in the illustrations and texts and explaining why these details contributed to their enjoyment of the books.

After scholars read or listened to the books, they voted for their favorites. We counted the last few votes today, and the RES winner was:


The Princess and the Pig by Jonathan Emmett

Now we will send our votes to the Vermont Center for the Book, which will add them to votes from elementary schools all over Vermont and announce a statewide winner in April.

cover images from


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