Who Stole Mona Lisa?



This week in the RES library, first through fourth grade students shared Ruthie Knapp and Jill McElmurry's book Who Stole Mona Lisa? We started by looking at a life-size photo of the real Mona Lisa painting, then we read the book.



This creative picture book tells the history of "the world's most famous painting" from the point of view of the painting. Students were especially interested in the way the Mona Lisa's famous eyes seemed to follow them around the room. We talked about optical illusions, and looked at a few of the illustrations in Seymour Simon's Book Now You See It, Now You Don't.



Students agreed Leonardo da Vinci must have been a very talented painter to create the Mona Lisa. So who did steal it, and did it ever get returned? Ask your child to tell you!




Book cover images from Amazon.com

Mona Lisa image from Wikipedia.com





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